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Basic Starter Kit
simpleRTK2B - Basic Starter Kit
250,00 €
– 1 simpleRTK2B v1.1 board
– 1 u-blox ANN-MB-00 Antenna for GNSS Dual Band with cable (IP67)
This standalone board + antenna set allows to evaluate multiband RTK GNSS technology.
It’s based on u-blox ZED-F9P module and is fully compatible with Arduino and STM32 Nucleo platforms, as a shield.
Check out simpleRTK2B page to learn more.
Don’t forget to add in the shopping cart our Configuration Service if you want to receive your kit pre-configured.
Good to know:
– You can have multiple rovers by using additional simpleRTK2B boards together with your kit.
– This product is recommended if you want to evaluate u-blox ZED-F9P.
– This product is compatible but doesn’t include radio, which might be useful connect to another base.